dr jelena vidakovic

Dr Jelena Vidaković
Naučni saradnik

Rukovodilac Laboratorije za robote i mašine alatke

Tel: +381 11 35 72 996
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Istraživačka oblast

Modelovanje i upravljanje robotskih sistema i mašina alatki; Upravljanje kretanjem mehatroničkih sistema; Razvoj jezika za programiranje industrijskih robota


  1. Doktorska disertacija, Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
    Zvanje: Doktor nauka-mašinsko inženjerstvo
  1. Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
    Zvanje: Diplomirani inženjer mašinstva


  • 2019. Naučni saradnik
  • 2012. Istraživač saradnik
  • 2010. Istraživač pripravnik


  1. Predictive Maintenance via Deep Tech Solutions for Environmental and Social Impacts in Manufacturing PreVEnT, Erasmus+ project 2023-2025
  2. Transfer Tehnologije: Multifunkcionalna desktop mašina za brzu izradu prototipova – MULTIPRODESK, Projekat finansiran od strane Fonda za inovacionu delatnost Republike Srbije. Nosilac projekta Lola institut, učesnici Lola institut, Mašinski fakultet Beograd, 2022-2023.
  3. Dokaz koncepta: Multifunkcionalna desktop mašina za brzu izradu prototipova – MULTIPRODESK, Projekat finansiran od strane Fonda za inovacionu delatnost Republike Srbije. Nosilac projekta Lola institut, učesnici Lola institut, Mašinski fakultet Beograd, 2020-2022.
  4. TR 035023, LOLA Institut Beograd, Razvoj uređaja za trening pilota i dinamičku simulaciju leta modernih borbenih aviona i to 3-osne centrifuge u 4-osnog uređaja za prostornu dezorijentaciju pilota, 2011−2019.


Publikovala: 8 radova kategorije M20 (7 SCI), preko 30 radova M30, 2 monografije M40, 9 radova M50, 5 radova M60, 3 reference kategorije M80.

Najznačajni radovi:

  1. Vidakovic, J., Devic, A., Zivkovic, N., Kvrgic, V., Stepanic, P. (2022). Practical Approaches for Robot Dynamic Model Implementation for Control and Simulation Purposes. In: Mitrovic, N., Mladenovic, G., Mitrovic, A. (eds) Experimental Research and Numerical Simulation in Applied Sciences. CNNTech 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 564., (pp. 147-163), Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-19499-3_8
  2. Vidakovic, J., Lazarevic, M., Kvrgic, V., Maksimovic Vasovic, I., Rakic, A. (2021). Flight Simulation Training Devices: Application, Classification, and Research. International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, pp. 874-885, 2021 (M23, IF=0.902/2020, 30/34)
  3. Vidaković, J., Kvrgić, V., Lazarević, M., Stepanić, P. Computed torque control for a spatial disorientation trainer, Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 269-280, doi:10.22190/FUME190919003V, 2020 (M22, IF 2020 3.324 (41/133))
  4. Stepanić P., Vidaković J., Dević A., Dučić N., Direct inverse control of the two-tank system using neural networks, 38th International Conference on Production Engineering -Serbia, 4 - 15. October 2021, Čačak, Serbia, pp. 131-136, ISBN 978-86-7776-252-0
  5. Kvrgic V., Vidakovic J., Efficient method for robot forward dynamics computation. Mechanism and Machine Theory, DOI: 1016/j.mechmachtheory.2019.103680, ISSN 0094-114X, 145:103680 (2020) (M21,IF=3.535/2019, 17/129).
  6. Vidaković J., Kvrgić V., Lazarević M., Control System Design for a Centrifuge Motion Simulator Based on a Dynamic Model, Strojniški Vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering, DOI: 10.5545/sv- jme.2018.5272, ISSN 0039-2480, 64(7-8) (2018), 465-474 (M23,IF=1.139/2017, 88/127).
  7. Kvrgić V., Vidaković J., Lutovac M., Ferenc G., Cvijanović V., A control algorithm for a centrifuge motion simulator, Robotics, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2014.01.002, ISSN: 0736-5845, 30(4) (2014) 399-412 (M21,IF=2.305/2014, 5/23).
  8. Kvrgić V., Dimić Z., Cvijanović V., Vidaković J., Kablar N., A control algorithm for improving the accuracy of five-axis machine tools, International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2013.858194, ISSN 0020 7543, 52(10) (2014) 2983-2998 (M21,IF=1.460/2012, 22/79).
  9. Ferenc G., Dimić Z., Lutovac M., Vidaković J., Kvrgić V., Open Architecture Platforms for the Control of Robotic Systems and a Proposed Reference Architecture Model, Transactions of FAMENA, ISSN 1333-1124, UDC 004.45:004.896, 37(1) (2013) 89-100 (M23,IF=0.233/2013, 121/128).
  10. Vidaković J., Lazarević M., Kvrgić V., Dančuo Z., Ferenc G., Advanced Quaternion Forward Kinematics Algorithm Including Overview of Different Methods for Robot Kinematics, FME Transactions, DOI: 10.5937/fmet1403189V, ISSN 1451-2092, 42(3), (2014) 189-199 (M24).
  11. Vidaković J., Kvrgić V., Lazarević M., Dimić Z., Mitrović S., Procedure for Definition of End-effector Orientation in Planar Surfaces Robot Applications, Tehnika –Mašinstvo, ISSN 0040-2176 (Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije), 72(6), (2017) 845-851 (M51).
  12. Vidaković J., Lazarević M., Kvrgić V., Dančuo Z., Lutovac M., Comparison of numerical simulation models for open loop flight simulations in human centrifuge, PAMM, DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201310235, ISSN 1617-7061, 13(1), (2013) 485-486 (M53).
  13. Vidaković J., Kvrgić V., Lazarević M., Dimić Z., Development of the algorithms for smoothing of trajectories of a roll and a pitch axis of a centrifuge motion simulator, 7th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Sremski Karlovci Serbia, 24-26st June, (2019) C1e, 1-10 (M33).
  14. Mitrović S., Dimić Z., Vidaković J., Lutovac M., Kvrgić V., System for simulation and supervision of robotic cells -12th International Scientific Conference MMA 2015, Flexible technologies, Novi Sad, Serbia, September 25-26th, ISBN: 978-86-7892-722-5 (2015) 51-54 (M33).
  15. Ferenc G., Dimić Z., Lutovac M., Vidaković J., Kvrgić V., Distributed Robot Control System Implemented on the Client and Server PCs Based on the CORBA Protocol, Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing-MECO 2012, Bar, Montenegro, ISBN 978-9940-9436-0-8, IEEE (2012) 158-161 (M33).
  16. Vidaković J., Kvrgić V., Ferenc G., Dančuo Z., Lazarević M., Control of a Human Centrifuge -Proceedings of the 29th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, ISBN 978-86-7083-762-1 (2012) 186-189 (M33).
  17. Vidaković J., Ferenc G., Lutovac M., Kvrgić V., Development and Implementation of an Algorithm for Calculating Angular Velocity of Main Arm of Human Centrifuge, Proceedings of the 15th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference and Exposition- EPE/PEMC 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-1971-3, IEEE (2012) DS2a-17 (1-6) (M33).
  18. Dančuo Z., Vidaković J., Ferenc G., Lutovac M., Kvrgić V., Modeling a Human Centrifuge as Three-DoF Robot Manipulator, Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing-MECO, Bar, Montenegro, ISBN 978-9940-9436-0-8, IEEE (2012) 149-152 (M33).
  19. Ferenc G., Lutovac M., Vidaković J., Dimić Z., Kvrgić V., Real-Time Robot Control Logic Using Modular FSM, Proceedings of the International Conference Management of Technology -Step to Sustainable Production, Zadar, Croatia, ISBN 1847-6880 (2012)  259- 265 (M33).


  1. Vidaković, J., Lazarević, M., Kvrgic, V. Modelovanje i upravljanje manipulatora u sistemima za trenažu pilota savremenih borbenih aviona, Monografija, Lola institut, Beograd, ISBN 978-86-82407-04-1, 2020. (M41)
  2. Lazarević M., Vidaković J., Cajić M., Mandić P., Prilog modeliranju i upravljanju robotskih i adaptronskih sistema, Monografija, Izdavač: Mašinski Fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, ISBN 978-86-7083-833-8, (2014), (M42).
Tehnička rešenja
  1. Pavlović, D., Stepanić, P., Vidaković, J., Dimić, Z. “Razvoj i implementacija metodologije za proračun parametara električnih instalacija kod sistema automatskog upravljanja u crpnim stanicama, Korisnik: JP EPS, Ogranak HE ĐERDAP Kladovo 2022. (M84).
  2. Kvrgić, V., Vidaković, J., “Razvoj i implementacija softvera za efikasan proračun direktne dinamike robota – ERFD“ (Effective Robot Forward Dynamics), 2021 (M85)
  3. Lutovac M., Vidaković J., Dančuo Z., Stepanović A., Unapređenje sistema za programiranje, simulaciju i udaljeno praćenje kretanja manipulatora primenom novih računarskih tehnologija i alata, Korisnik: Tehnička škola Jugoslovenska 4, Železnik, Beograd (2013) (M84).
Nagrade i priznanja
  1. Dimić, Z., Zivanović. S., Slavković, N, Vorkapić N., Vidakovic J., Manasijević S. Posebno priznanje „Korak u budućnost“ na 64. Međunarodnom sajmu tehnike i tehničkih dostignuća u Beograd za Multifunkcionalnu mašinu za brzu izradu prototipova - MULTIPRODESK-MILL
Strani jezici Engleski jezik, francuski-osnovni nivo.
Članstvo u naučnim i stručnim organizacijama
  1. Odbor Sindikata nauke Republike Srbije, član od 2020.
  2. Naučno veće Lola instituta, predsednik od 2022.
  3. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
  4. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
  5. Srpsko društvo za mehaniku (kolektivni član IUTAM)