Dr Srećko Manasijević, dipl. ing. met. Principal Research Fellow
Tel: +381 11 25 46 423 Mob: +381 63 355 885 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fields of interest
The development of new materials, new technologies and procedures, application of software packages for simulation and visualization of casting and solidification process metals and alloys.
2001. Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Serbia Title: Degree in Metallurgical Engineering, Dipl. ing. met.
2006. Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Serbia Title: Master of Technical Sciences, M. Sc
2011. Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Serbia Title: PhD in technical sciences, Ph.D.
- 2007. Research Assistant, TMF Belgrade
- 2010. Research Assistant, LOLA Institute
- 2012. Research Fellow, Ministry of Education and Science
- 2023. Principal Research Fellow
- EUREKA PROJECT E!6735-ESPAL, Belgrade University/Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Energy Savings by application of Electromagnetic Field in production of Al-alloy billets by DC casting method, 2011−2013.
- EB 035023, LOLA Institute Belgrade, Development of devices for pilot training and modern fighter planes flight simulation comprising of 3DOF Centrifuge and 4DOF spatial disorientation trainer, 2011−2014.
- EB 19041, LOLA Institute Belgrade, Virtual manufacturing castings using CAE simulation techniques of casting metals and alloys-saving Foundries and Tool Serbia, 2008−2011.
- EB 6319, LOLA Institute Belgrade, Implementation of automated manufacturing systems and design processes in the metal processing industry leaders, 2007.
Published: 21 articles in category M20, 36 articles in M30, 2 monographies M40, 19 articles M50, 10 articles M60, 4 references M80 and 1 M90. The most notable articles:
- Manasijević, R. Radiša, Z. Aćimović-Pavlović, S. Marković i K. Raić; Thermal Analysis And Microscopic Characterization Of The Piston Alloy AlSi13Cu4Ni2Mg, DOI: 10.1016/j.intermet.2010.11.011, Intermetallics, ISSN 0966-9795, 19(4) (2011) 486–492, (M21a, IF=2.335/2010, 4/76).
- Manasijevic, N. Dolic, Z. Zovko Brodarac, M. Djurdjevic, R. Radisa, Analysis of the intermetallic bonding between ring carrier and aluminum piston alloy, DOI: 10.1007/s11661-014-2365-3, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, ISSN 1073-5623, 45(10) (2014) 4580−4587, (M21b, IF=1.730/2014, 13/74).
- Manasijevic, Z. Pavlovic-Acimovic, K. Raic, R. Radisa, V. Kvrgić, Optimisation of cast pistons made of Al–Si piston alloy, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, ISSN 1364-0461, DOI: 10.1179/1743133612Y.0000000007, 26(5) (2013) 255−261, (M22, IF=0.520/2011, 37/75).
- B. Djurdjevic, S. Manasijevic, Z. Odanovic, R. Radisa, Influence of different contents of Si and Cu on the solidification pathways of cast hypoeutectic Al-(5–9)Si-(1–4)Cu (wt.%) alloys, International Journal of Materials Research, ISSN 1862-5282, DOI: 10.3139/146.110940, 104(9) (2013) 865−873, (M22, IF=0.675/2013, 36/75).
- Dučić, I. Milićević, Ž.Ćojbašić, S. Manasijević, R. Radiša, R. Slavković, M. Božić, Intelligent system for automatic control of the process of filling the mold, DOI 10.1007/s00170-016-9552-x. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 90(5-8) 2017 2223-2231, (M22, IF=1.458/2014, 17/40).
- Manasijević, R. Radiša, S. Marković, K. Raić, Z. Aćimović-Pavlović, Implementation of the infrared thermography for thermo-mechanical analysis of the AlSi cast piston, Praktical Metallography ISSN 0032-678X, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 46(11) (2009) 565–579, (M23, IF=0.295/2009, 50/70).
- Markovic, M. Stakic, S. Manasijevic, Z. Kamberovic, R. Radisa, M. Korac, Examination of the Microstructure and Properties of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Casting 6060 Aluminum Alloy Billets and Bars, Praktical Metallography ISSN 0032-678X, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 49(12) (2012) 736–755, (M23, IF=0.274/2011, 59/76).
- Manasijevic, S. Markovic, Z. Acimovic–Pavlovic, K. Raic, R. Radisa, Effect of head treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of piston alloys, Materials and Technology=Materiali in Tehnologije ISSN 1580-2949, 47(5) (2013) 585−591, (M23, IF=0.555/2013, 206/251).
- M. B. Djurdjevic, S. Manasijevic, Z. Odanovic, N. Dolic, Calculation of liquidus temperature for aluminum and magnesium alloys applying method of equivalency, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/170527, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering ISSN 1687-6822, 2013 (2013) 1−8, (M23, IF=0.897/2013, 169/251).
- B. Djurdjevic, S. Manasijevic, Z. Odanovic, N. Dolić, R. Radisa, Quantification of the copper phase(s) in Al-5Si-(1−4)Cu (wt.%) alloys using cooling curve analysis, Materials and Technology=Materiali in Tehnologije ISSN 1580-2949, 48(2) (2014) 299−304, (M23, IF=0.555/2013, 206/251). S. Manasijević, N. Dolić, K. Raić, R. Radiša, Identification of Phases Formed by Cu and Ni in Al−Si Piston Alloys, Metallurgia Italiana ISSN 0026-0843, 106(3) (2014) 13−19, (M23, IF=0.227/2014, 67/74).
- Manasijevic, N. Dolic, M. Djurdjevic, N. Misic, N. Davitkov, The intermetallic bonding between ring carrier and aluminum piston alloy, Revista de Metalurgia ISSN 0034-8570, 2015, Vol 51(3), (M23, IF=0.355/2013, 59/75).
- Manasijević, Z. Zovko Brodarac, N. Dolić, M. Djurdjevic, R. Radiša, The Al-fin bond between an aluminum piston alloy and a ferrous metal, International Journal of MetalCasting, ISSN 1939-5981, 9(4) (2015) 27−32, (M23, IF=0.439/2014, 55/74).
- Manasijević, N. Dolić, M. Djurdjević, Z. Zovko Brodarac, R. Radiša, Analysis of piston microstructure in the most critical zones, Kovové materiály-Metallic Materials ISSN 0023-432X, 53(5) (2015) 357-363 (M23,IF=0.365/2015, 59/73).
- Dučić, Ž. Ćojbašić, S. Manasijević*, R. Radiša, R. Slavković, I. Milićević, Optimization of the Gating System for Sand Casting Using Genetic Algorithm, International Journal of Metalcasting, ISSN 1939-5981, DOI:10.1007/s40962-016-0040-8, 11(2) (2017) 255−265, (M23, IF=0.196/2015, 71/73).
- S. Manasijević, S. Marković, R. Radiša, Primena novih tehnologija u cilju poboljšanja eksploatacionih svojstava klipova SUS motora od aluminijumskih legura, Zaštita materijala ISSN 0351-9465, 54(1) (2013) 45−50, (M24).
- B. Djurdjevic, S. Manasijevic, Impact of major alloying elements on the solidification parameters of cast hypoeutectic AlSi6Cu (1–4 wt.%) and AlSi8Cu(1−4 wt%) alloys, UDC: 629.33.067; 669.711`782`38, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, ISSN 2217-8961, 20(4) 2014 235−247, (M24).
- Manasijevic, K. Raic, S. Trgovcevic, Konvencionalne metode površinske zaštite klipova za motore SUS, Zaštita materijala ISSN 0351-9465, 55(1) (2014) 95−98, (M24)
- Šerbula, A. Ristić, S. Manasijević, N. Dolić, N. Davitkov, pH vrednosti i koncentracije ukupnog suvog ostatka i suspendovanih materija u otpadnim vodama rudnika bakra Majdanpek, Zaštita materijala-MaterialProtection ISSN 0351-9465, 55(3) (2014) 327−334, (M24).
- Šerbula, A. Ristić, S.Manasijević, N. Dolić, Teški metali u otpadnim vodama rudnika bakra Majdanpek, Zaštita materijala ISSN 0351-9465, 56(1) (2015) 52−58, (M24)
- R. Radiša, N. Dučić, S. Manasijević, N. Marković, Ž. Ćojbašić, Casting improvement based on metaheuristic optimization and numerical simulation, DOI 10.22190/FUME170505022R, Facta Universitatis, series: Mechanical Engineering, ISSN: 0354-2025, 15(3) (2017) 397-411, (M24).
- S. Manasijević, Klipovi za motore SUS, Monografija ISBN 978-86-912177-0-9, izdavač: LOLA Institut Beograd, štampa: Zavod za grafičko inženjerstvo Tehnološko-metalurškog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2009.
- S. Manasijević, Aluminijumske klipne legure, Monografija ISBN 978-86-912177-1-6, štampa: Razvojno-istraživački centar grafičkog inženjerstva TMF, izdavač: LOLA Institut Beograd, 2012.
Development solutions
- Kvrgić, M. Bućan, Z. Dimić, S. Manasijević, Horizontalna bušilica-glodalica HBG 130 OC, Tehničko rešenje, korisnik: METALNA Maribor i LOLA MONTAVAR Beograd, 2008, (M81).
- Radiša, S. Manasijević, V. Mandić, R. Milićević, Radno kolo Peltonove turbine dobijeno primeno reverznog inženjerstva, Tehničko rešenje, korisnik: MHE „SELJAŠNICA“ Elektrosrbija“ d.o.o. Kraljevo, „Elektrodistribucija“ Užice, prihvaćeno od: Lola Institut Beograd, 2013, (M82).
- Dučić, Ž. Čojbašić, S. Manasijević, R. Slavković, R. Radiša, J. Baralić, I. Milićević, M. Božić, Inteligentni sistem za automatsko upravlјanje punjenja kalupa metalom, Tehničko rešenje, korisnik: Koncern „Farmakom MB“, Inudistrijski kombinat „Guča“ ad, Guča. Prihvaćeno od Naučno-nastavnog veća Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u čačku, Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, 2016, (M82).
- R. Slavković, S. Dragićević, Ž. Čojbašić, I. Milićević, M. Popović, S. Manasijević, N. Dučić, R. Radiša, Unapređenje tehnologije livenja nosača zuba bagera vedričara, Tehničko rešenje, korisnik: Koncern „Farmakom MB“, Inudistrijski kombinat „Guča“ ad, Guča. Prihvaćeno od Naučno-nastavnog veća Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u čačku, Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, 2015, (M84).
Engleski, Nemački, Ruski
- Tehnički urednik časopisa LIVARSTVO, (2008-2010).
- Urednik časopisa LIVARSTVO, (2011-dalje).
- S. Manasijević-tehnički urednik: S. Marković, Ž. Kamberović, V. Radovanović, Umetničko livenje, Monografija ISBN 978-86-87747-00-5, štampa: Zavod za grafičko inženjerstvo Tehnološko-metalurškog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, izdavač: Srpsko livačko društvo, Beograd, 2009, (M49).
Membership in scientific and professional bodies
- Član Saveza inženjera metalurgije Srbije, ID 851,
- Član Srpskog Livačkog Društvo.
- Član Skupštine Lola instituta d.o.o. (2015-2018.).
- Predsednik Naučnog veća Lola instituta d.o.o. (2017-2018).
Participation in a program committee of conferences
- 12th International Foundrymen Conference, Sustainable Development in Foundry Materials and Technologies, 24–25th May, Opatija, Croatia, 2012., http://www.simet.hr/~foundry.
- 13th International Foundrymen Conference, Innovative Foundry Processes and Materials, 16–17th May, Opatija, Croatia, 2013., http://www.simet.hr/~foundry.
- First Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe, MME SEE 2013, 23−25. May, Belgrade, Serbia, 2013. mme-see.org.
- 14th International Foundrymen Conference, Development and Optimization of the Castings Production Processes, 15–16th May, Opatija, Croatia,
- 2rd Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe, MME SEE 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, 03−05. June, 2015., mme-see.org.
- 15th International Foundrymen Conference, INNOVATION–The Foundation of Competitive Casting Production, Opatija, Croatia 11–13 May, 2016, http://www.simet.hr/~foundry.
- 3rd Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe (MME SEE 2017), Belgrade, Serbia, 01−03. June, 2017., mme-see.org.
- 15th International Foundrymen Conference–The Foundation of Competitive Casting Production, Opatija, Croatia 11–13 May, 2017., http://www.simet.hr/~foundry.
- 17th International Foundrymen Conference INNOVATION–T Hi-tech casting solution and knowledge based engineering, May 16th -18th, Opatija, Croatia, 2018., http://www.simet.hr/~foundry.
- 18th International Foundrymen Conference INNOVATION– Coexistence of material science and sustainable technology in economic growth, Opatija, Croatia 15–17 May, 2019., http://www.simet.hr/~foundry.
Participation in organisational committee of conferences
- 1rd Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe, MME SEE 2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 23−25. May, 2013., mme-see.org.
- 2rd Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe, MME SEE 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, 03−05. June, 2015., mme-see.org.
- 3rd Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe (MME SEE 2017), Belgrade, Serbia, 01−03. June, 2017., mme-see.org.
- 4rd Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe (MME SEE 2019), Belgrade, Serbia, 05−07. June, 2019., www.mme-see.org.
- Član komisije za pisanje izveštaja za sticanje zvanje naučni saradnik kandidata dr Ivana Najdenova. Imenovan od strane NNV Tehnološko-metalurškog fakulteta Univrziteta u Beogradu, 2015.
- Član komisije za ocenu i odbranu doktorske disertacije kandidata Nedeljka Dučića. Imenovan od strane Naučno-stručnog veća za tehničko-tehnološke nauke Mašinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Nišu, NSV broj 8/201-01-007/12-022 od 26.10.2016.