On March, 4th, 2020, the representatives of JINR from Dubna (www.jinr.ru), Semjon Mitrofanov, Vasilij Semin and Maksim Bičkov, together with the representative of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Nenad Dragović (www.pks.rs), as well as the coordinator of cooperation, Petar Beličev, PhD, from INN Vinča ( www.vin.bg.ac.rs), as part of the Days of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Serbia, have visited Lola Institute (LI), a member of Serbian Accelerator Technology Group. LI researchers, Radomir Radiša, Ivana Vasović Maksimović, PhD, and Dragan Pavlović, PhD, have presented Li former results. The meeting was also attended by the director of LI, Srećko Manasijević, PhD, as well as several other researchers. The possibilities of cooperation with JINR were discussed at the meeting.

The organizers of the Days of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Serbia were: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences. This event was held on March 5-6, 2020, at the premises of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (https://www.sanu.ac.rs/).

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Nenad Dragović (PKS), Srećko Manasijević, PhD (LI), Petar Beličev, PhD (INN Vinča), Vasilij Semin, Maksim Bičkov, and Semjon Mitrofanov (JINR), Ivana Vasović Maksimović, PhD, Dragan Pavlović, PhD, Velimir Komadinić and Radomir Radiša (LI).


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